Ben is currently having his last scheduled big (90 minute sleep), in preparation for the last 270 miles of the challenge. He’s recovered dramatically from last night when the team were quite worried about his legs and generally tiredness. He’s seen 2 different physio since then, who have strapped up his legs, and he’s is eating loads more food, giving him the enrgy to keep going. The best improvement is in his general mood. From a real low yesterday evening, Ben is in really good spirits, chatting loads (often falling asleep during the conversation, but its the thought that counts), laughing and getting excited about the final stage.

The stage of the ride he has just completed was with Clive and , who took him from around . Ben was quite sleepy on the bike, and had one or two mirco naps en route. Whilst on his bike he’ll stop pedalling, his head drops, and he grabs a few seconds shut eye before we beep the horn to wake him up. Ben said at one point he was cycling along, and warned Dan to keep an eye on him as he felt tired. The next thing he knew Clive was sat next to him on his bike (still at 16mph) giving him some sort of encouragement like “Ben, can you wake up and pedal this last bit?”.

All the crew are currently in bed, getting the last bits of rest in for what is going to be a very long, hard but exciting day. We’ll try to update this more regularly over the final stages. Keep sending your messages, were trying to tell him as many as possible, but there are loads coming in. He really appreciates the support.